Donald Trump is not the worse thing that could happen in 2024.  Ron DeSantis. Florida Governor – whose hero is Viktor Orban, president of Hungary – has seized control of schools and colleges, the media and the courts to insure that his reign goes on for as long as he lives. 

No other American politician is imitating Orban as faithfully as the Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis.   As he ramped up his run for the GOP Presidential nomination, he is using government power to control the State’s schools, universities, and corporations and to wage war on free speech.  His appointees in the Florida legislature have recently a shocking new raft of bills that would ban Florida Universities from offering majors in gender studies, teaching American history that focus on slavery and racism or sharing “unproven, theoretical, or exploratory content” – a phrase that to purposely vague as is the ban on “inappropriate books that has already left decimated the library shelves in Florida’s K-12 schools.

When Disney railed against DeSantis’ “Don’t Say Gay Law, DeSantis appointed a board of far right ideologues to oversee the special district for Disney’s Orlando theme park.  Among those DeSantis appointed was Christian Minister Ron Peri, who claims that estrogen in the water from birth control is turning men gay. 

Ron DeSantis threatened to build a prison next to Disneyland out of spite because the company refused to kow-tow to his polices regarding LGBT people.

Ron DeSantis has limited free speech, freedom to protest, freedom to vote for minorities. 

He has illegally and immorally bussed immigrants to other states after lying to them as to where they would be going.

He passed a law creating a private army that answers only to himself.

Ron DeSantis has promised to cut social security and Medicare, leaving the poor in destitute circumstances.

Ron DeSantis is insane.  Yes, he’s quite smart, but just like Elon Musk, smart does not protect you from being insane.  Ron DeSantis is an authoritarian, a liar, a danger to citizens, and danger to democracy.

DeSantis changed the defamation protection that underpins press freedom in America.  If enacted, “public figures” could sue journalists for exposing their affairs or personal crimes and information obtained by anonymous sources would be considered “presumptively false.”   Journalists and reports could be sued even if what they report is TRUE.

If the law sounds unconstitutional, that is what DeSantis is counting on.  He wants the bill to reach the A Supreme Court consisting of ultra conservative justices who might side in favor of the bill.

DeSantis passed a law making it illegal for convicted felons to vote even after they competed their sentencing which is against federal law.

He has organized book burning similar to what the Nazis did in 1938.

Ron DeSantis is a racist, a homophobe, a Hitler wanna be, an abomination masquerading as a man.

DeSantis dismissed Covid as a hoax and refused to follow U.S government mandates to give out masks and make the vaccine available to all.  He appointed an incompetent man as his Health Czar who had similar views that he held…He said children can’t get sick leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of children.

Florida led the nation in covid cases per day and covid death per capita and deaths of children from the Covid virus.

During the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida, DeSantis resisted imposing restrictions such as face mask mandates, stay-at-home orders and vaccination requirements. In May 2021, he signed into law a bill that prohibited businesses, schools, cruise ships and government entities from requiring proof of vaccination. As Florida experienced a record surge in COVID-19 cases in July and August 2021, he banned public schools from implementing mask mandates.

Ron DeSantis refused to give out masks, open vaccination outlets, or follow federally mandated policies.

The state reported 3.6 million cases and 56,667 deaths since March 1, 2020.

In Florida, the pandemic has shown disparities in the number of cases and deaths reported by race and ethnicity.  The same pattern was observed among Hispanic and non-Hispanic residents.

In March 2020, DeSantis decided against declaring a state of emergency in Florida during the COVID-19 pandemic

DeSantis signed a 2013 pledge sponsored by Americans for Prosperity vowing to vote against any global warming legislation that would raise taxes.

DeSantis emphasized his support for Trump by running an ad in which DeSantis taught his children how to “build the wall” and say “Make America Great Again” and dressed one of his children in a red “Make America Great Again” jumper.

On August 28, 2018, DeSantis won the Republican primary. His Democratic opponent in the general election was Andrew Gillum.  The race was “widely seen as a toss-up.”

During the campaign, DeSantis came under scrutiny for comments that were allegedly racist, saying, “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”  DeSantis was accused of using the verb “monkey” as a racist dog whistle, as his opponent was African-American. The incident received widespread media coverage, and DeSantis denied that his comment was meant to be racially charged.

DeSantis’s gubernatorial platform included support for legislation that would allow people with concealed weapons permits to carry firearms openly.

DeSantis openly supported Trump’s legal disputes of the 2020 United States presidential election, urging him to “fight on” and suggesting state legislatures of states won by Joe Biden could revolt and select slates of presidential electors that would instead vote for Trump.[

America is in big trouble.  Polls show that 75% of GOP voters want either DeSantis or Trump, which means that Republicans want to negotiate the foundations of our government compact.  In 2024, the First Amendment, personal liberty, and democracy itself may be on the ballot.

In recent polls, Biden beats Trump but loses to DeSantis.   You may not love Joe Biden but he is a thousand times better than Trump or DeSantis.  Your vote in 2024 may make the difference in whether we live in Democracy or an Autocracy.

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