
The debate is about….

COVID-19 response, Healthcare, Immigration, Economy, Climate change.  Racial justice, Education, Foreign policy, Gun control, social issues such as abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, and

Moderator: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to tonight’s debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. We’ll be discussing COVID-19 response, healthcare, immigration, the economy, climate change, racial justice, education, foreign policy, gun control, and social issues such as abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, and religious freedom. Let’s begin with the COVID-19 response. Mr. Trump, you have the floor.

1, COVID-19 Response

Donald Trump: Thank you, thank you. COVID, let me tell you, nobody handled COVID better than me. The best handling, everybody said so. We had the biggest, the most beautiful response. We invented the vaccine, okay? In record time. Nobody else could have done it. I mean, they were saying it would take years, but I said, “No, we’re going to do it in months.” And we did. Millions of lives saved. The media, they won’t tell you that. Fake news! They’re saying I didn’t handle it well. Wrong! I handled it so well, it’s incredible. And Kamala, she did nothing. Absolutely nothing. She was out there criticizing, undermining. She wanted to keep the country locked down forever. A total disaster! She wanted to turn America into a communist state, folks. It’s sad! But we didn’t let that happen. We opened up, we got back to business. The best business. Nobody’s better for business than me.

Kamala Harris: Mr. Trump, your administration’s mishandling of the pandemic cost countless an estimated 200,000 lives, you fool.  You downplayed the virus, ignored science, and spread misinformation. You told people to drink bleach. You even suggested injecting disinfectants as a cure. While we took action to ramp up testing, distribution of vaccines, and supported struggling families. The American people deserve leadership that prioritizes their health and safety.

Donald Trump: (interrupting) You’re full of crap, Kamala. You and your fake science. You wouldn’t know leadership if it hit you in the face!

2, Healthcare

Moderator: Let’s move on to healthcare. Vice President Harris, your thoughts?

Kamala Harris: We need to build on the Affordable Care Act to ensure every American has access to quality healthcare. This includes lowering prescription drug costs, expanding Medicare, and investing in preventive care. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

Donald Trump: Healthcare? Let me tell you, nobody knows more about healthcare than me. We had the best healthcare, everybody said so. We got rid of that disaster, Obamacare. Who needs it? You get sick, you just get better. It’s very simple. It’s like, you know, when I had COVID. I took a little Regeneron, a little cocktail, and boom! Back in the game. Kamala, she wants to give you socialized medicine. You’ll be waiting in line for a doctor like you’re waiting for a Big Mac!

Kamala Harris: Mr. Trump, you had no plan. Just empty promises. The American people need real solutions, not rhetoric. We need to build on the Affordable Care Act to ensure every American has access to quality healthcare. This includes lowering prescription drug costs, expanding Medicare, and investing in preventive care. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

Kamala Harris: Mr. Trump, you had no plan. Just empty promises. The American people need real solutions, not rhetoric. You even tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement, which would have left millions of Americans without healthcare during a pandemic.

Donald Trump: (sneering) You’re the queen of empty promises, Kamala. Look at California, it’s a mess because of people like you!

3, Immigration

Moderator: Immigration is next. Mr. Trump?

Donald Trump: Immigration, okay. We need a big, beautiful wall. The biggest, the best. And we need to stop these caravans. They’re sending rapists, murderers, drug dealers. Bad hombres. I mean, some, I assume, are good people. But we can’t have that. We need to send them back. Make America Great Again, folks. Kamala, she wants open borders. She wants everyone to come in, take your jobs, it’s a disaster.

Kamala Harris: Mr. Trump, your rhetoric is dangerous and dehumanizing. We need comprehensive immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship for DREAMers and humane treatment of asylum seekers. America is a nation of immigrants, and we must uphold our values. President Biden had a comprehensive immigration plan which Speaker Mikle Johnson refused to bring it up for a vote because you told him you didn’t want President Biden to have any successful policy achievements. And you loved separating children from their parents, so fall prey to the drug cartels.

Donald Trump: (angrily) Dangerous? What’s dangerous is letting these criminals into our country. You’re just pandering for votes, Kamala. You don’t care about America’s safety!

Kamala Harris: Do you know which are the two fastest growing states regarding GNP and population? No? I’ll answer for you. California and Texas. Do you know what else those two states are first in? No” Well, I’ll tell you. It’s the percentage of immigrates in the working population.

4. Economy

Moderator: On to the economy. Vice President Harris?

Kamala Harris: Our administration is focused on rebuilding the middle class, creating good-paying jobs, and ensuring economic justice. We’re investing in infrastructure, education, and clean energy. We need to raise the minimum wage and ensure equal pay for equal work.

Donald Trump: The economy, nobody’s better for the economy than me. We had the best economy, the stock market was through the roof. Everybody was making money. Then, China sent us the virus. Very nasty. But we’re coming back, believe me. Kamala, she wants to raise your taxes, kill your jobs. She’ll turn us into Venezuela! We  need trickle down economics is the solution.

Kamala Harris: Do you know who invented that policy?”

Donald Trump: Ah…oh…?

Kamal Harris: It was Richard Darman in the Regan administration.

Donald: “Yes. That sounds about right.

Kamala Harris: Do you know what his nickname was?

Donals Trump: No. It’s a trick question. You’re trying to confuse me.

Kamala Harris: It wouldn’t take much to confuse you illiterate, bigot. Anyway, the answer is “Smoke and Mirrors” Darman. In other words, it is B.S. it was always B.S. and its still B.S.

Donald Trump: The economy was booming under my administration.

Kamala Harris: “It was booming for the rich you gifted with the biggest tax cut in history while the middle class falls further and furth behind.

Donald Trump: (yelling) That’s a lie! I did more for this country in four years than you and Biden could do in a lifetime!

5. Climate Change.

Moderator: Climate change. Mr. Trump?

Donald Trump: Climate change, it’s a hoax. A total hoax. You know, it’s cold outside, where’s the global warming? I mean, look at my hair, it’s perfect. If there was global warming, it would be a mess. Kamala, she wants to take away your straws, your hamburgers. She wants you to drive a tiny little electric car. No thanks!

Kamala Harris: Climate change is an existential threat. We must take bold action to combat it by investing in renewable energy, rejoining international agreements, and reducing carbon emissions. Our future and our children’s future depend on it. Your administration rolled back numerous environmental regulations, putting corporate profits ahead of the health and safety of the American people.

Donald Trump: (sarcastically) Oh, here we go. Save the planet, right? Meanwhile, China and India are laughing at us. You’re a joke, Kamala.

6.Racial Justice

Moderator: Racial justice. Vice President Harris?

Kamala Harris: We must confront systemic racism in our country. This means reforming our criminal justice system, addressing racial disparities in healthcare and education, and ensuring economic opportunities for all. Black lives matter, and we need to act like it. It costs $50,000 to put a student through state college for 4 years. It costs $54,000 each year to incarcerate a person convicted of nothing more than possession of a ‘personal use amount of drugs’.

Donald Trump: Donald Trump: Racial justice, okay. Nobody’s done more for the African Americans than me. More than Lincoln, more than anybody. I’ve done so much. They love me. The blacks, the Hispanics, they all love me. Kamala, she’s playing the race card. She wants to divide us. It’s a disgrace.

Kamala Harris: There is systemic racism, Mr. Trump. Ignoring it won’t make it go away. We need comprehensive reforms to ensure justice and equality for all Americans. Your administration’s “law and order” rhetoric only served to further divide the country and inflame tensions

7. Education

Moderator: Education. Mr. Trump?

Donald Trump: Education, we need to teach our kids to love America. None of this critical race theory nonsense. We need to teach them about the great things we’ve done. Like when I became president. That was a great day for America. Kamala, she wants to teach our kids to hate America. It’s sad!

Kamala Harris: We need to invest in our public schools, support our teachers, and ensure that every child has access to a quality education. This includes expanding early childhood education and making higher education more affordable. Education is the foundation of our democracy. Your administration’s proposed budget cuts to education would have only hurt the most vulnerable students.

8. Foreign Policy

Moderator: Foreign policy. Vice President Harris?

Kamala Harris: My administration will be focused on rebuilding our alliances, standing up for human rights, and leading with diplomacy. We must restore America’s leadership on the global stage and work with our partners to address global challenges like climate change, terrorism and the threats of expansion by China and Russia.

Donald Trump: Donald Trump: Foreign policy, we need to be tough. We need to tell the world, you mess with us, you’re in big trouble. I was tough on China, on Russia, on North Korea. Nobody messed with us. Kamala, she’ll be a pushover. She’ll let them walk all over us. It’s a disaster waiting to happen.

Kamala Harris: How did isolation work in the first and second world wars?

Donlad Trump: I don’t read history books. They’re boring.

Kamala Harris: Your foreign policy isolated us from our allies and emboldened our adversaries. We need to repair the damage and restore America’s credibility. Your administration’s withdrawal from international agreements and organizations only served to weaken our global standing. Donald Trump: (shouting) You wouldn’t know foreign policy if it hit you in the face! I did more for peace than any president!

Donald Trump: (shouting) You wouldn’t know foreign policy if it hit you in the face! I did more for peace than any president!

Kamala Harris: by telling Vladimir Putin he could do whatever the hell he wants. You sucked to, kissed and hugged the four most dictatorial, inhumane, brutal dictators on the planet; Viktor Orban in Hungary, Jar Bolsonaro in Brazil, Kim Jung-un in North Korea, Vladimir Putin in Russia and XjJinping in China. Men who stole all the rights of the people, control the press, make a mockery of free and fair elections. You out to go live in those countries if you like those men and their policies so much.

9. Gun Control

Moderator: Gun control. Mr. Trump?

Donald Trump: Donald Trump: Gun control, we need to protect our Second Amendment. It’s under siege, folks. They want to take your guns. But I won’t let them. I’m a big believer in guns. The more guns, the better. Kamala, she wants to take your guns. She wants to leave you defenseless. It’s a disgrace.

Kamala Harris: We must take common-sense steps to reduce gun violence. This includes universal background checks, banning assault weapons, and closing loopholes. Too many lives are lost to gun violence, and we need to act now.

Donald Trump: (sneering) Common-sense? Your common-sense means taking away rights from law-abiding citizens. You’re a disgrace.

10. Social Issues: Abortion, LGBTQ+ Rights, Religious Freedom

Moderator: Finally, social issues. Vice President Harris?

Kamala Harris: Women’s rights are human rights. We must protect a woman’s right to choose and ensure access to reproductive healthcare. We also need to fight for LGBTQ+ rights and ensure that everyone is treated equally under the law. Religious freedom is important, but it should not be used to justify discrimination.

Donald Trump: Donald Trump: Social issues, okay. Abortion, I’m pro-life. The most pro-life. Nobody’s more pro-life than me. LGBTQ, I’ve done more for them than anybody. They love me. Religious freedom, we need more of it. We need to be able to say ‘Merry Christmas’ again. Kamala, she’s a radical leftist. She wants to take your God, your guns, your freedom. It’s a nightmare!

Kamala Harris: you should be forced to undergo sterilization. The world doesn’t need any more Don Juniors in the world.

Kamala Harris: Women have the right to make decisions about their own bodies. We must protect that right. And while religious freedom is important, it should never be an excuse for discrimination.

Donald Trump: (angrily) You’re destroying this country with your radical left agenda! I’m sick of it!

Moderator: Thank you both for your time and perspectives. This concludes tonight’s debate.

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