Jesus Christ. The son of God?

 Gossip.  Heal the sick, raised the dead?  Bullshit.  Rose from the grave?  Ridiculous.  All records kept after Jesus died never mentioned him rising from the dead until 60 years after he died.  Total bull shit.  Jesus’ boyhood home was Galilee just five kilometers from Sepphoris, the Roman provincial capital where an ambitious building campaign attracted skilled workers from all the surrounding villages.  Many scholars believe Jesus, a young craftsman living nearby, found work at Sepphoris.  There, Jesus was exposed to the teachings and lectures and counter-cultural lifestyle and subversive sayings of the “Cynics.”  Those nomadic philosophers of ancient Greece, while not cynical in the modern sense of the word, thumbed their unwashed noses at social conventions such as cleanliness and the pursuit of wealth and status.  The Bible said all men were the sons of God. Jesus believed he was THE son of God.  He was delusional, schizophrenic, psychotic, paranoid, and bi-polar, with delusions of grandeur.  What’s interesting is that The Prophet Muhammad suffered from the same illnesses.  When someone says they are the channel to God, or even that they are God, maybe it would make sense to take his words with a grain of salt. God is available to all.  You don’t need a conduit.  You don’t need the church.  You don’t need a congregation.  God is not some entity out there.”  God is in all of us.  It’s the purist part, the most honest, the most giving, the most compassionate, the most forgiving parts of us.  Every time you do a good deed, place others before you, give to those in need, care for those in distress, bring a smile to the face of the downtrodden, you’re doing God’s work.  Martin Luther translated the Latin Bible to English and was excommunicated by the church.  What he did was tell people they didn’t need the church to reach God and seeing that the Church is a multi-billion dollar organization, they didn’t appreciate that at all.

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