We all know that every Chinese company must share their data with the government. There are no exceptions. So, to protect our country from such risks we need to ban the social media giant TikTok from the U.S. and also put pressure on our allies to do the same.

After all, over the past few years, copyright secrets, blueprints, computer technology, strategic plans for, U.S., military industrial complex secrets, and patients have been stolen by the Chinese and used to their advantage and our disadvantage. The projected value of those thefts is $600 billion dollars. So, now you see why we must ban social media companies.

Oh, no, wait. That wasn’t TikTok, that was our biggest corporations that did not protect their sites, that dismissed the warnings of the cyber security companies, that never changed their passwords, that never took the warnings seriously. That used their sites to download porn and write letters to friends and family and open files from people they didn’t know

The only thing stolen off TikTok would be a few pictures of stupid people doing stupid things. Boy, I can’t imagine what that would be valued at. And how excited the Chinese government and Xi Jinping were to sift through that priceless data!

Well, you can’t say our boys in Congress aren’t doing their job. They sure know where the threats are coming from and are doing all they can to protect our country. Instead of demanding and enforcing new standards of protection from our corporations, both in and out of the military industrial complex, they come down on companies that kids and socially retarded people use.

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