Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House

Samuel Alito, Supreme Court Judge

Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Judge

Donald Trump, ex-President, ex-human being.

Justice “oh, my wife put up the flags and I knew nothing about it” Alito

Mike “God told me to run for the speakership” Johnson, then tells the country that Donald Trump won the 2020 election.” (God doesn’t speak to liars)

Clarence “check out how well hung I am,” Thomas: who is just an ordinary guy who like to hang out in his motor home in the Walmart parking lot…but likes million-dollar vacations more.

Donald “every word out of my mouth is a lie” Trump. Who would be worth ten time more than he is if he had taken his inheritance and put it in a money market account.

They all have one thing in common. They believe that they can say and do whatever they want and there will be no price to pay. Now that is stupid. That is stupidity taken beyond the pale. When the history books are written in the next 15 years, they will all talk about how those men conspired to lie, rationalize and justify using their positions to take away the freedoms of the American people and support a man whose goal was to end Democracy in America.

How they threw their support, working beyond the legal limitations of their position to give support to Donald Trump: a lying, thieving, racist, white supremacist, KKK supporter, misogynist, rapist, duplicitous xenophobic, corrupt, demagogue, narcissistic, authoritarian, deceitful, manipulative, vindictive, bigoted, self-serving, unethical, hypocritical, fear-mongering, divisive, inflammatory, egotistical, prejudiced, unscrupulous, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, nativist, , bigot, and fearmonger.

Maybe they won’t be around to read them, but their children will and their grandchildren. And those people will be excoriated and loathed, and despised by generations to come, and generations after that.

And if that were not enough, there will be a far greater price to pay when they die. They will find that the lowest rung of hell is reserved for those who seek to undermine their countries, place their personal agenda over that of the people

Maybe they think they will be exempt. Maybe they do not believe in Heaven or Hell. But that won’t save them. One thing in common for all the greatest minds since civilizations began is their certainty that Hell and Heaven do exist and that those who lead abominable lives will be punished through eternity.

What great men throughout history have said about heaven and hell….

  1. Plato, in his works, presents a more elaborate vision of the afterlife. In the “Phaedo,” one of Plato’s dialogues, he describes the soul’s journey after death, which includes judgment and a vision of the horrors of the underworld. The ultimate goal for the soul, according to Plato, is to escape the cycle of reincarnation.
  • Dante, in his epic poem “The Divine Comedy,” portrays Hell (Inferno) as a place of extreme despair and suffering, divided into nine circles, each one a punishment for a specific sin. He describes the sinners’ torments in graphic detail, illustrating the consequences of moral corruption. Dante’s Hell is not only a place of physical punishment but also a state of spiritual isolation from God. He uses his journey through Hell as a means of self-discovery and spiritual growth, ultimately seeking to understand the nature of sin and the path to redemption.
  • Virgil, in Dante’s “The Divine Comedy,” serves as Dante’s guide through Hell and Purgatory. Virgil, a revered Roman poet, is portrayed as a wise and compassionate figure who offers Dante insight into the nature of the sins being punished and the workings of the afterlife. Virgil’s presence in the narrative also symbolizes the role of human reason and wisdom in understanding moral and spiritual questions. However, Virgil himself is a resident of Limbo, the first circle of Hell, which houses virtuous pagans who, despite their moral lives, were not baptized and thus cannot enter Heaven. This reflects Virgil’s belief in the afterlife as presented in his own work, the “Aeneid,” where he depicts a gloomy underworld.
  • John Milton (1608-1674): An English poet best known for his epic poem, Paradise Lost, which tells the story of the fall of man and the war in Heaven.
  • C.S Lewis: “The Screwtape Letters” letters written by a senior demon named Screwtape to his nephew and apprentice, Wormwood, on how to tempt, deceive, and ultimately secure the damnation of a man.


First Circle, Limbo:

  1. Eternal boredom and ennui, with no stimulation or engagement.
  2. Reliving the most mundane and uneventful moments of one’s life on repeat.
  3. Being surrounded by a thick, dull fog that muffles all senses.

Second Circle, Lust:

  1. Being endlessly pursued and groped by horrific, misshapen lust demons.
  2. Having one’s flesh slowly stripped away, exposing raw nerves to torturous sensations.
  3. Writhing in agony as razors continually slice the erogenous zones.

Third Circle, Gluttony:

  1. Forced to eat putrid, decaying matter until stomach ruptures, only to restart the cycle.
  2. Body steadily inflated by foul gases until they explode, then restarts.
  3. Unquenchable thirst met by drinking boiling blood/pus that sears the throat.

Fourth Circle, Greed:

  1. Choking on molten gold that burns through the esophagus.
  2. Hands transmuted into grasping claws that can never be satisfied.
  3. Being flayed and crafted into currency that’s gambled away repeatedly.

Fifth Circle, Anger:

  1. Immersion in a lake of rage-fueled napalm that sears flesh from bone.
  2. Forced to attack and mutilate those you loved most in life, eternally.
  3. Mind trapped in an endless cycle of your most infuriating memories.

Sixth Circle, Heresy:

  1. Tongues torn out and replaced with venomous serpents that attack incessantly.
  2. Prayers answered by malicious demons who twist wishes into new torments.
  3. Flayed and reshaped into blasphemous idols that others are forced to worship.

Seventh Circle, Violence:

  1. Endlessly dismembered and reassembled, suffering all death agonies repeatedly.
  2. Trapped in a forest of stalking, ravenous beasts that perpetually rend the flesh.
  3. Encased in a thick coat of tar that slowly suffocates and crushes.

Eighth Circle, Fraud:

  1. Bound by ever-tightening chains crafted from lies and deceptions.
  2. Masked appearance shifting between one’s many false identities.
  3. Mind fractures into different personalities that battle for control eternally.
  4. Recall the old adage?” Sins of the father.” Joe Kennedy, Sr. father of JFK and RFK, was a bootlegger in league with Al Capone. Maybe he didn’t do the killing, but lots of people were killed. Running a bootlegging operation required constantly killing of the competition. Joe Sr. was a womanizer. On a boat trip across the Atlantic, he brought his mistress along with his wife.  Joe lived a long and fruitful life, enjoying the riches that came from a criminal enterprise. He died at the age of 81 years old. He had outlived four of his children. John was assassinated, Robert was assassinated and Teddy killed a woman when driving drunk.
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